Научная статья
Выпуск: № 3 (3), 2012


Research article

Valitov A.A.

Tobolsk complex scientific station of UB RAS, Tobolsk, Russia


This article is devoted to the problems of forming united sociocultural space of Tobolsk province. The role of Tobolsk as sociocultural center of the region is shown. The factors of great influence on sociocultural city life are determined. The building of united sociocultural space of the region always had large importance because of Siberian cities were cultural and educational center of big territories.

Keywords: history, sociocultural space, town, Tobolsk, education.

Tobolsk is the one of oldest Siberian cities, was founded in 1587 as military-administrative point, base of the Russian exploring of Siberia. Tobolsk («Ancient capital» of Siberia) for many years was administrative center of all Siberia firstly, then only of the western Siberia, in XIX c. becomes the center of one from the biggest provinces. City processes got the fullest image exactly «in the largest historical centers with their high level of concentration different spheres of activity, economy and culture» [2, 46].

In the history of Tobolsk till 1917 there were 5 points: 1) 1587 – till the end of XVII c. ; 2) from the end XVII c. – 90-s XVIII c. ; 3) from 90-s XVIII – till 1861 ; 4) from the beginning 60-s – till 90-s of XIX c. ; 5) fromthe end XIX c. – till 1917

On the last point Tobolsk by economical level had worse position in comparison with its district towns – Kurgan and Tyumen [3, 51].

The first civil school in Siberia was opened in 1701 though in that time in Russia the first schools were opened under church establishment. Already in 1703 spiritual school was founded here. These 2 educational institutions were one from the most important factors of sociocultural development not only of the city but whole region completely.

During the centuries Tobolsk was sociocultural center which had impact on the forming cultural and educational image of Siberia. Earlier development of state education in Tobolsk in comparison with other Siberian cities already in the first quarter of XIX c. went to the finish of private teachers and home education.

In 1870-s the system of education in Tobolsk consisted of traditional for such kind of the city list of educational institutions. All of them worked 50 and more years (except Mariinskaya women school). In the next years there was increase of number educational institutions and students in them. If in 1873 in the city there was 8 educational institutions, so in 1911 there were 29. To the beginning of XX c. women education gets important wide spreading [4].

In 1870-s net of special educational institutions begins its forming. Veterinary – assistant-surgeon school (1878), midwifery school (1878), school of trades (1876), navigation school (1883). Tobolsk men teacher seminary was opened much more later (1914). The founding of Tobolsk teacher institution in 1916, the third in Siberia (after Tomsk and Irkutsk), had a great importance for development of public education [4].

In the middle of XIX c. net educational institutions libraries is completed by libraries accessible for everyone. In 1859 the first private public library was opened in 1859. The fast increase of number of the public libraries and reader-rooms was in the beginning of XX c.: since 1904 to 1910 their number increased in 2 times. The big number of books, magazines, newspapers and other published production there was in Tobolsk. The most part of published production consisted of department and public papers as official and information files of the different type – «Accounts», «Protocols», «Reports» and so on.

Specific gravity of such kind of production was about 50 %. 3 newspapers were published in the end of XIX c. Many newspapers went to Tobolsk from European Russia. 98 magazines and newspapers went in the end of 1880-s [5].

Theatric life of Tobolsk was supported by art lovers. The charity show played important role in the city cultural life. Built in 1898 2-stored wooden building «Public auditory» was the main center of theatric life. The first in Tobolsk«electrictheater» «Lux» was opened in 1908. In 1910 there were already 4 cinemas. «Public auditory», Social gathering and «Chancellor,s club» were the places of free time spending at the richest citizens of Tobolsk [1,41].

In the second half XIX – beginning XX c. the church continued to be the most important institution of city culture. It played more important role than in other towns of Tobolsk province.

The development of educational potential of the city mostly influenced on the forming of Tobolsk type of culture which is typical for other towns of the Western Siberia. The border of XIX-XX tells that Tobolsk had leading role in the genesis of united educational and cultural space of the region.

Список литературы

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