Научная статья
Выпуск: № 2 (21), 2014

Ермолаев Д.В.1, Ермолаева Е.А.2

1 Преподаватель, Губкинский институт (филиал) Университета машиностроения; 2Аспирант, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет



В статье рассматриваются аспекты и факторы повышения эффективности управления региональными системами в условиях институциональных реформ.

Ключевые слова: регион, социально-экономическое развитие, управление, эффективность.

Ermolaev D.V.1, Ermolaeva E.A.2

1Lecturer, University of mechanical engineering (branch) in Gubkin; 2Postgraduate student, Belgorod national research university.



The article discusses aspects and factors of management improvement of regional systems in terms of institutional reforms.

Keywords: region, socio-economic development, management, efficiency.

Necessity of improvement of management of socio - economic development of regions in the Russian Federation is extremely updated now for a variety of circumstances.

The rapid and unprecedentedly swift entry of Russian regions in terms of market economy had led to a need of cardinal revision of fundamental approaches to assessment of effectiveness of regional management of national economy complex and social issues that existed in a period of centrally planned economy [1].

Diversity of Russian regions puts regional authorities before need to test innovative approaches to improvement of systems of regional socio-economic development.

The experience of countries with institutional market economies in improving public management of economy and social sphere is mostly bad adapted to the current stage of development in Russia.

Elaboration and use of evaluation criteria, the resulting efficiency indices of socio-economic development of a region is an urgent problem in terms of the transition to an innovative economy, balanced social development, further integration into the world economic community, transfer investment of social programs from  federal funds to regional budget  that are declared by the state.

One of the most pressing problems is the problem of assessment of management of regional social protection systems. Efficiency is a criteria of comprehensive assessment of  management in any field of public life. Translated from the Latin «effectivus» means an efficient, productive, giving a certain effect. Efficiency is related to work outcome and economy [2].

Efficiency of regional authorities depends on many factors.

First, a true goal and quality of goal-setting .

Second, adequacy of chosen strategies to the goals, choosing the most economical options.

Third, quality and quantity of resources needed to achieve the goal.

Managerial Efficiency is usually evaluated through the results, which are expressed on indirect indicators, such as quality of provided services, quantity of decisions that was adopted and fulfilled, timeliness indicators (fulfillment of tasks in time), social consequences of adopted decisions, social tensions. Assessment of efficiency of social protection systems is based on a system of indicators that reflect the level of social infrastructure development and quality of life for certain categories of citizens, i.e. subjects of social protection. Quantitative measurements of these parameters are relative and not always adequately reflect correlation of progress and efforts [3, 4].

Back in the 1970’s in scientific literature it was offered to delineate quantitative and qualitative assessment of management. A qualitative side of managerial efficiency was proposed to express through a criterion and a quantitative one – through performance. This distinction is considerable for assessment of social management. Figures express obtained results in a quantitative form. It is not only economic indicators, but also other statistical data that characterize, for example, a level of regional development. A criterion purports a sign which is the base for assessment of managed object status [2].

If economic efficiency has sufficiently exact quantitative indicators, then there is a need to study social and psychological factors to determine effectiveness of social management. Socio-psychological conditions include: relationship between separate groups, individual members and groups within each team, internal and external living and working conditions taking into account psychological and other characteristics of each person.

All this leads to the conclusion that Managerial Efficiency is determined by assessment and hence subjective to some extent. Such indicators as timeliness, efficiency, and others are used to assess managerial efficiency, employee's activity results or a whole organization. All of them present a measure of assessment of individual employee's quality or activity quality of managerial authority at all.

Thus, relevance of this research is confirmed by both theoretical and practical aspects of the problem which consideration can bring significant benefits for management improvement of economic and social development of regions in the country.


  1. Ermolaev, D.V. Management improvement of socio-economic development of a region based on selection of priority institutional reforms: abstract of Ph. D. dissertation. Kursk, 2013. 22 p.
  2. Konstantinova, N.N. Approaches to assessment of effectiveness of management of regional social protection systems [text] / N.N. Konstantinova, L.G. Yungblyud // Problems of the modern economy. № 4. 2010. P. 276-277.
  3. Minakova, I.V. Management of social and economic development of a region: theoretical and methodological foundations and institutional restrictions: monograph / I.V. Minakova, D.V. Ermolaev, South-West State Univ. Kursk, 2012. – 100 p.
  4. Ermolaev, D.V. Problems of improvement of efficiency of social and economic development of a region / D.V. Ermolaev // Regional Studies. № 4. 2010. P. 52-55.


  1. Ермолаев, Д.В. Повышение эффективности управления социально-экономическим развитием региона на основе выбора приоритетных институциональных преобразований: автореферат дис. … кандидата экономических наук. – Курск., 2013. – 22 с.
  2. Константинова, Н.Н. Подходы к оценке эффективности управления региональными системами социальной защиты [текст] / Константинова Н.Н., Юнгблюд Л.Г. // Проблемы современной экономики. – № 4. – 2010. С. 276-277.
  3. Минакова, И.В. Управление социально-экономическим развитием региона: теоретико-методические основы и институциональные ограничения: монография / И.В. Минакова, Д.В. Ермолаев; Юго-Зап. гос. ун-т. Курск, 2012. – 100 с.
  4. Ермолаев, Д.В. Проблемы повышения эффективности управления социально-экономическим развитием региона [текст] / Д.В. Ермолаев // Регионология. – № 4. – 2010. – С.52-55.