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Influence of Predicative Components Valence on Intrapositional Programming of Subordinate Speech Utterance

Table 3 - Sirconstant speech utterances with subordination with the inverse order of subordinate components

Subordinate Part (preposition)

Main Part (postposition)


predicative component

union means


predicative component

personal pronoun

(with indication of gender, person and number)


proper name


noun (indicating gender, case and number)

the tense form of the verb

the actual time meaning

(indicating simultaneity, following, preceding actions)


long-time meaning

(indicating a limited/unlimited duration)


spatial meaning

(indicating the starting/ending point of the subject’s movement, its localization, linear movement)

personal pronoun

(with indication of person and number)


proper name



(with indication of gender, case and number)

the tense form of the verb

das Personalpronomen/der Eigennamen/das Substantiv, das Verb im Infinitiv, die Subjunktoren, das Personalpronomen/der Eigennamen/das Substantiv, das Verb im Infinitiv