Научная статья
Выпуск: № 10 (29), 2014

Якубович Е.В.

Студент, Поволжский институт управления имени П.А. Столыпина



В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы адаптации молодых специалистов в организации. Автор даёт обобщенную характеристику заинтересованности российских организаций в приеме на работу молодых специалистов, а так же проводит анализ предпочтений и ожиданий выпускников. В заключительной части статьи автором предложены пути решения сложившейся проблемы по средством внедрения корпоративного портала.

Ключевые слова: адаптация, профессиональные качества, корпоративный портал.

Jakubovich E.V.

Student, Volga Region Institute of Administration named after P.A. Stolypin of RANEPA.



This paper considers the problem of adaptation of young professionals in the organization. The author gives a generalized characteristic of Russian companies interested in hiring young professionals, as well as analyzes the preferences and expectations of graduates. The final part of the article the author offers ways to solve existing problems by means of the introduction of a corporate portal.

Keywords: adaptation, professional quality, corporate portal.

Problems of professional adaptation to date affect especially young professionals. This happens primarily due to a sharp transition from a purely theoretical knowledge (learned in educational institutions) to perform specific job functions. Problems of young professionals’ adaptation cannot be considered private case, they are reflected in the personnel potential of society, on the status of all HR processes in the country, on the competitiveness of organizations on their ability to develop its scientific production and technological base.

To determine the depth of the problem is necessary to find out the interest of Russian companies to hire young professionals. According to a survey conducted among 1,000 representatives of employer companies, 70% of Russian companies are willing to hire young professionals without experience [1].

Big companies with a staff of over 1,000 employees are the most loyal to the graduates. 82% of them are willing to consider young professionals as applicants. The smaller the company, the less its representatives talk about the possibility to hire recent graduates. This situation is understandable: big companies can afford to invest in education - support special departments with specialization in staff training, pay for mentoring.

However, some employers are not taking serious college and university diplomas, offering to graduates positions that do not require the long-term study at the university. Employers are willing to hire graduates as attendants and handymen.

Interesting and an ambiguous question is how similar offers to expectations of graduates. For example, in the manufacturing sector to start with a working position and grow to the engineer is not considered like bad path. In good companies tend to settle on any, even the lowest position, hoping to prove themselves and to grow further.

Analyzing the facts we can conclude about the interest of organizations to attract and retain young professionals. Nevertheless, the proposals employers often do not match the preferences and expectations of graduates in employment, as evidenced by data from studies conducted among graduates of the Volga Region Institute of Administration named after P.A. Stolypin.

Thus, graduates of 2014 in the majority see themselves working in the specialty in professional wage from 15 to 20 thousands rubles per month, it should be noted almost a twofold increase compared with 2013 year, the number of graduates who rely on wages for more than 30 thousands rubles per month. Respondents highlight as perfect organization a medium-sized, desirable prestigious commercial organization, located in the city center. They would also like to work on a normal schedule (8 hour per day and 5 days a week). The most important components of the social package in the opinion of graduates should be: paid leave, insurance and medical care, paid sick leave.

Interviewees noted that the prospects for career and professional growth must be defined initially at an employment.

According survey mentioned above there is a gap between knowledge obtained in college and the opportunity to further employment. Graduates point a fairly high level of general theoretical training, erudition, but insufficient practical knowledge and skills. Such factor as "computer skills, knowledge of the necessary programs' graduates allocated as the greatest impact on employment and the successful continuation of a career while studying at the university, and develops enough not received the highest rating [2].

It is also important to note that there are differences between qualities, which are needed for successful employment in the opinion of the future specialists, and qualities that best generates by the Institute (see Table 1):


Table 1 – Comparison of required and acquired qualities

Qualities necessary for successful employment Qualities that are best trained at the Institute
- Computer skills - The level of practical knowledge and skills - The ability to perceive and analyze new information - Ability to effectively represent themselves and the results of their work - Erudition, common culture - The ability to perceive and analyze new information - The level of general knowledge - Ability to work in a teams

The problem of young workers' labor adaptation is particularly relevant due to the aging of personnel organization. Baby boomers are reaching retirement

age, employees are afraid to leave their jobs despite increased dissatisfaction, and

a fickle generation is entering the workforce [5]. However, it is not enough to attract promising employees, it is important to retain valuable staff, secure them in the enterprise. For young worker possibility to stay in a business or not, depends largely on the successful work adaptation. The labor adaptation and work of each single employee influences results of the organization's performance as a whole [3].

Professional social networking site LinkedIn surveyed more than 11,500 full-time professionals in 14 countries. The resulting Relationships@Work study found that good workplace relationships were seen as important across the board. 1 in 4 (25 per cent) of millennials believe that socialising with work colleagues will help them move up the career ladder, compared with less than 2 per cent of baby boomers. More than any other age group millennials reported that friendships in the workplace impact them in a positive way, making them feel happy (62 per cent), motivated (45 per cent) and productive (37 per cent) [4]. Become a team-player and create good relationships with co-workers for the young specialist would be easier in the usual mode. Modern young people interact most of the time via the internet sites. So, for organization it is reasonable to create an internal corporate portal – intranet, which main goal will be adapting and helping young professionals.

Intranet will really help solve a number of tasks, such as the adaptation of young professionals, organization of distance learning. Intranet facilitates the exchange of knowledge, on the communication level Intranet can participate in the definition and allocation of corporate values within the organization. Intranet also can help to form beliefs about the fact that employee is a very important part of the organization.

Intranet can be a good tool to generate instant feedback and comfortable environment for communication between colleagues, which is extremely important for young professionals.

Psychological help for young workers in a period of adaptation and further consolidation on their workplace can be provided in the form of seminars, workshops, aimed at the development of team spirit and communication skills.

Using the opinion of employers can offer future young professionals practical recommendations for effective search and retention in the workplace: as early as possible to get into the field of HR-managers of companies; learn to prepare resumes and send them to various organizations; get internship in the particular company; develop the necessary personal qualities; try to get along with theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to work in the chosen specialty.



  1. Выпускников вузов без опыта работы готовы принять на работу 70% российских компаний [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.superjob.ru/research/articles/111577/ (дата обращения 21.10.2014)
  2. Предпочтения и перспективы выпускников Поволжского института управления имени П.А. Столыпина 2014 года в сфере трудоустройства (основные результаты исследования) // Поволжский институт управления имени П.А. Столыпина: сайт. – URL: http://piuis.ru/intranet/base/infomat/ (дата обращения 24.10.2014)
  3. Яницкий М.С. Адаптационный процесс: психологические механизмы и закономерности динамики: учебное пособие. Кемерово: Кузбассвузиздат, 1999. – 84 с.
  4. LinkedIn survey Relationships@Work, 14.06.2014. URL: http://dynamicbusiness.com.au/featured/millennials-the-most-fickle-generation-at-work-14072014.html (дата обращения 28.10.2014)
  5. Talent Management in the Coming Decade: How Your HRIS Can Help // White Paper Published By: Epicor HCM. URL: http://www.humanresourcesiq.com/employee-development/white-papers (дата обращения 28.10.2014)