Научная статья
Выпуск: № 1 (32), 2015

Гаврилова В.


Международный славянский университет Г.Р. Державина, Свети-Николе, республика Македония



Эффективные и современные методы лечения алкоголизма зависят от индивидуальных медицинских и личных потребностей. Некоторые алкоголики, которые признают свою проблему, лечатся сами по себе, а другие требуют более длительной индивидуальной или групповой психотерапии, которая также может включать в себя госпитализацию. В республике Македония метод Худолина используется с огромным успехом в воздержании.

Ключевые слова: алкоголики, психотерапия, наркомания, лечение, абстиненция.

Gavrilova V.

Master’s Degree in Psychology,

International Slavic University G. R. Derzhavin, Sveti Nikole, Republic of Macedonia



The efficient and contemporary methods of treating alcoholism depend on the individual medical and personal needs. Some alcoholics who recognize their problem are treated by themselves, others, on the other hand, require longer individual or group psychotherapy, that may include hospitalization also. In the Republic of Macedonia the Hudolin’s method is used with enormous success in abstinence.

Keywords: alcoholics, psychotherapy, addiction, treatment, abstinence.

Alcohol and its “excessive” con­sumption can make huge damag­es and lead to difficult conse­quences not only for the individual but also the environment, the wider com­munity and society in general. Alcohol­ism is regarded as one of the most diffi­cult and, by number of cases, the most spread social “disease” in the world. Social, since it has heavy social impact that makes the whole society to suffer.

The consumption of alcohol is con­stantly on the rise, the occurrence of young people that drink, the absentee­ism from work and early disability due to alcoholism increase, alcohol leads to reduced work ability, early death etc. The alcoholism in adolescent popula­tion signifies an entrance to even big­ger dependence – drug addiction.

Lately this addiction is also re­ferred to as “way of life”. Great is the number of people with some psychologi­cal weaknesses who are unable to solve their personal conflicts and they resort to alcohol to release their inner tension or temporarily “resolve” their difficult situation. This is how they gradually be­come victims of the “release factor” – the alcohol. The usual way to start is the so called social drinking. Many stay at that level, but some begin to drink more often and in large quantities which is the unavoidable route to alcoholism.

Beyond doubt there is interference in psychic and physical functions in alco­hol dependant individuals. Fundamental symptoms appear in change of person­ality, in the moral, ethical, bodily and social modification of personality. Day by day his moral feelings, the sense of responsibility towards family, work and society go numb. The higher the alco­holism level the more serious are the damages to the intellectual functions. Alcohol dependent person shows re­duced concentration skills, loss of ideas and loss of interest in general events, thinking becomes increasingly difficult, knowledge inventory and memory become weak on daily basis, he becomes superfi­cial at work, frequently uncritical, shows emotional instability, growing irritabil­ity, developing conflicts with the envi­ronment, family and social standards.

Alcoholics are individuals that find a “cure” in alcohol for their deviant be­havior and psychological functioning. They frequently find excuse for their ac­tions and disorderly conduct presenting themselves as victims of the conditions that made them drink heavily. It is quite possible that even before he developed the addiction to alcohol there were cer­tain disorders in his behavior and psychi­cal functioning since he lived in certain unfavourable social or economic condi­tions; but the fact that he chose the al­cohol to be “cure”, “relief”, “fun”, is ex­clusively his own personal decision. For these reasons it is necessary to make it clear to the alcoholic that his inclination to alcohol is the cause for everything that is happening to him and those in his environment, and if he is willing to cor­rect the error, he should admit the exist­ing of the problem in the first place.

Alcohol does not resolve our prob­lems, but brings others, even bigger in sequence. It is the best not to seek the way out in alcohol, but to those who have already entered deeply in alcoholism my recommendation would be that “not all ships sink”, there is always hope, and to look for the salvation in themselves. At the clubs of treated alcoholics it is exactly this big step we encourage them to do. We do not trace the route towards the “light”, we only help them find it themselves [1,5].

There are several such clubs in differ­ent towns in R. Macedonia one of which is the Club “Svetlina” (Light) in Veles. This Club exists for over 10 years now, and I have been involved on voluntary basis ever since. Not only abstainers come to the club. It is also visited by members of their fami­lies since they also need education. Here at the club lectures are being conducted, constructive discussions on different top­ics are held, however the greatest value is that there is discretion, homogeneity, em­pathy, open mindedness and optimism.

Lately the Hudolin’s method known in the world as the most contempo­rary and most effective way of dealing with this addiction has been applied. It is essential to offer your hand to the person in need at the right moment so that he will be able to pull out of the abyss in which he has started to fall or has completely fallen already. It is very easy to condemn somebody, to make conclusions very fast. Everybody in his life can make a mistake both toward him or others, but he/she still has the right to a second chance. Nobody is perfect.

Many of the Club members, long time alcohol addicted individuals in the past, have no this problem now, or as they use to say: “I am a new man – I found my salvation at the club”. In my opinion it is essential for the person to find and nourish the will and the fight­ing spirit, but also to learn how to love, and to love means to give, to trust, to be happy, to respect, to forgive …[1, 6]

Clubs of alcoholics in treatment are leagal social organizations where alcoholics in treatment and their families are involved as citizens who accept life withouth alcohol. They can be registered as non goverement organizations or as part of the health organizations [1, 12].

Meetings are held once a week at the same time and have 3 stages:

1) The stage of comming to the club and spontanuosly communicating with other members.

2) Theme stage-therapeutic part og the work in the club, going through different subjects connected with alcoholism and every day, where members actively participate.

3) Recreational and fun stage - members in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere use the club for different activities.

The patient enters the club during or after the stage of intensive treatment and spends at least one year there. In practice more members continue to come to the club after that period of time, the support and experiences they get there are realy valuable that they dont want to lose.

The tretment in CAT doesn’t cost much but it is the most economical part of the therapy and is irreplacable in their treatment.

The most intensive phase of the treatment involves taking medicine to help with the simptoms of abstination and heal the damaged organs of the body, so the treatment in the clubs is some kind of socio-theraputic towards total abstinence [1, 13].

The alcoholic is afraid to face his internal conflicts. He wishes to know only one side of his personality and not looking at the other. When he won’t see himself as a whole he is not aware of his own iden­tity, and can he be honest to the others if he is lying to himself? For these reasons neurotic disorders occur frequently which, regretfully, are very often “healed” with alcohol. The al­coholic should be clearly pointed out that the alcohol is the reason for what is hap­pening to him and those around, and if he wishes to remedy the error, he should face it in the first place.

The alcohol does not re­solve the problems, but adds other, much bigger to those we already have. Do not be afraid of the mistakes since we do not have to always know all the answers. Losses, illnesses, conflicts are part of our everyday life. By the way you are thinking, your re­alistic perception towards things, but also your efforts towards the spiritual develop­ment you will be able to deal with every­thing that is happening in your life …

“You have one life – LIVE IT!

You have a problem? Who doesn’t?

Is it worth being a victim of the “relief factor”?

It is easy to give in to temptation,

Take the harder way – FIGHT!

There is the strength in you – FIND IT,

and we are here to help you …“


  1. Alcohology newsletter (2012) Polet no. 2, Skopje
  2. Alcohology newsletter (2012) Polet no. 3, Skopje
  3. Gavrilova, V. (2011), Osnovi na psihoanalizata,Medjunaroden centar za slavjanska prosveta, Sveti Nikole
  4. Muso, L. (2013) Decata vo klubovite, Zdrav zhivot, Skopje
  5. Panzov, V. (2012) Alkoholizam! A shto potoa?, Zdrav zhivot, Skopje
  6. Torre, R., (2006) Oporavak alkoholičara u klubovima liječenih alkoholičara, HSKLA (Hrvatski Savez Klubova Liječenih Alkoholičara), Zagreb