Научная статья
Выпуск: № 9 (40), 2015

Шароватова С.А.

Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет



Целью данной статьи является анализ опыта российских преподавателей в области развития внутренней мотивации студентов. Также представлены собственные размышления и данные автора статьи, основанные на мотивационной теории и практике преподавания в вузе.

Ключевые слова: внутренняя мотивация, студент, высшее образование

Sharovatova S.A.

Associate professor, PhD in Education, Komsomolsk-na-Amure State Technical University



The article is aimed at analysing Russian teachers’ experience in developing students’ intrinsic motivation. The author’s own reflections and findings based on motivation theory and practice are also given.

Key words: intrinsic motivation, student, higher education

Our research is aimed at studying the ways of developing Russian students’ intrinsic motivation. It is urgent to study a modern student’s motivational sphere. Students’ psychic suffers from the speed and intensity of study. Sometimes they experience a nervous breakdown which leads to stress, psychological and social conflicts [1].

In modern psychology, the term “motivation” means two psychological phenomena [4]:

  • the whole set of motives causing and determining a person’s activity
  • the process of forming motives, the characteristic of the process that stimulates and supports behavioural activity at a certain level

There exist different types of motivation. The main ones are intrinsic (procedural) motivation created by academic work itself and extrinsic or broad social motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is defined as an urge towards achieving step-by-step, intermediate academic goals strengthened by proper conditions and educational methods, the impact of a teacher’s personality and making good progress [4]. Students’ progress largely depends on differential teaching approach. A teacher should set appropriate tasks for students of every level as too difficult or easy kinds of work overlooking trainees’ age peculiarities have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation.

Nowadays professional education can be further developed on the condition of innovation implementation. It is a teacher, their motivation, skill to solve arising problems that can help a student realise their potential [3]. It is necessary to introduce a modern system of financial and moral incentives for teachers. Its most important constituent part is a person’s self- actualization.

We suppose that motivation peculiarities are conditioned by the system of a personality qualities formed at a college/university.

University/college research shows that smart and languid students differ in the extent of professional motivation development rather than in intellectual abilities. A person’s positive attitude to study and future profession has a considerable influence on one’s progress.

Study playing an important part in a human motivation supposes information and meanings transfer. Information can be obtained by students from books, lectures, computer environment. Teachers can demonstrate meanings in their own activity getting satisfaction from their work, sharing their inner attitude to knowledge, a subject taught and the educational process in whole. A trustworthy teacher that has the qualifications for the job helps students analyse objective characteristics of their competence development, encourages competition.

A very important factor of intrinsic motivation training is feeling one’s own competence in educational situations if there is a positive feedback (praise, approval, feeling of success. Feedback and goals, rewards, self-instruction for verbalizing strategies, participant modeling are strategies increasing self-efficacy. To raise students’ self-efficacy, peer models are preferred to adult models [6].

The basis for the development of learning motivation is personality type of relations that develops on the basis of collaboration and contributes to creating an emotional atmosphere and academic responsibility. Personality type of relations ensures the development of motivational component of creative activity.

Thus, the top priority task in the system of higher education is forming a student’s creative attitude to academic work which is an effective way of developing a person’s intrinsic motivation being the most important condition of successful education [5]. There are three factors that contribute to making creative style: problem solving in education, dialogue as the main form of academic interaction and reflexive activity of students and teachers.

Practice and professional experience of Russia’s leading college/university teachers clearly show that a chance to increase the quality of graduates’ professional training, to form their intrinsic motivation mainly depends on teachers’ professional competence and students’ active participation in the educational process [2]. Any technology oriented at students’ professional development must help to transform a person’s motivational, intellectual, affective and behavioural structures in order to replace extrinsic determination of life activity for intrinsic one.


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