Научная статья
Выпуск: № 9 (40), 2015

Таженов А.1, Дананова А.2, Шыныбай Б.3, Тулегенов Ш.4Мырзаханова М.Н.5

1магистр юриспруденции, 2магистр юриспруденции, 3магистр юриспруденции, 4магистр юриспруденции, 5кандидат медицинских наук, Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова



Врачебную ошибку можно считать наиболее противоречивым явлением правового осмысления медицинской практики. Требуется своего рода толкования,  как в теоретическом, так и в практическом применении – ответственность медиков за врачебные ошибки. Задачей правового регулирования является выработка правильной, продуманной и единой позиции относительно юридической квалификации ошибочных действий врачей.

Ключевые слова: врачебная ошибка, квалификация, защита прав.

Tazhenov A.1, Dananova A.2, Shynybai B.3, Tulegenov Sh.4 Myrzakhanova M.N.5

1Master of Law, 2Master of Law, 3Master of Law, 4Master of Law, 5candidate of medical science, Kokshetau state university after name Sh. Ualikhanov



A medical mistake can be considered the most controversial phenomenon of legal interpretation of medical practice. Requires a kind of interpretation, both in theoretical and in practical application - the responsibility of physicians for medical errors. The objective is the development of legal regulation of the right, a sound and a common position regarding the legal classification of erroneous actions of doctors.

Keywords: medical error, qualification, protection of rights.

Actual problems of legal regulation of medical errors is explained and statistical data relating to both the frequency of medical errors, and the economic losses associated with defective activity of medical workers.  At different stages of development of medicine and law societies are different approaches to the problem of medical liability for professional mistakes. Despite significant advances in the modern treatment of many diseases, it is necessary to agree that the unmistakable work of doctors, in principle, impossible, given the specificity of medicine by dealing with health and human life. Given this situation, the most important task is to regulate the health law through mechanisms not of medical errors and medical liability issues for implementation [1].

A feature of a medical error is the inabilities of the doctor of any specialty envisage it, and further prevent the consequences. In the Anglo-American literature in these cases it is used the word "unintentional" [5].

Often in practice, lawyers, and medical personnel to medical errors are not malicious mislead the doctor in his professional activity, if this is excluded negligence, fraud, negligence and indifference.

Causes of errors can be objective and subjective. The first is most often associated with changes in views on the treatment of certain diseases. The complex of therapeutic measures, which was considered the most efficient until recently, from the standpoint of the latest science can be qualified as incorrect. These include errors made by physicians in their communication with patients as a result of non-compliance with basic deontological principles.

In Kazakhstan, there is still no generalization of judicial practice on the problem of medical errors, although there are official statistics. The same statistics are kept in all countries. For example, in the UK by sloppy medical action die every year 70 thousand people, in Germany - 100 ths., In Italy from the mistakes of doctors affects about 90 thousand patients per year. Moreover, a medical error in the US ranks fifth among causes of death. In Kazakhstan the situation is not worse, but official statistics are not available.

The Criminal Code of Kazakhstan has a number of provisions that can be attributed to a common phenomenon called "medical error": Art. 114 of the Criminal Code set for "Improper performance of professional duties of medical and pharmaceutical workers." Provided and responsibility for the violation of the so-called Hippocratic Oath, namely for not providing assistance without reasonable excuse patient health worker who is required, according to the rules, to provide such assistance, if it is known it is known that this can have grave consequences for the patient.

One should not forget about civil liability. In order to prove the existence of a civil law offense, you must have all of its features: wrongfulness of the act, the causal link, guilt harm. Having proved by means of a forensic medical examination causal link can be in court to seek compensation for the direct harm [2, 3].

One should not forget about leverage provided by the Law "On Protection of Consumers Rights”, which covers the cases of don’t qualitative provision of health care. If the consumer had a poor-quality medical care, it is, according to article 16 of "On Protection of Consumers Rights” shall be entitled to a proportional reduction in the price; free eliminate deficiencies within a reasonable time; reimbursement for the elimination of defects of quality services. That could work if they are given all the documents proving the medical care of a particular clinic.

In connection with the foregoing material can be said that: firstly, in any country in the world today, there is no explicit notion of "medical errors." The absence of such a term in the criminal law of the countries and, therefore, the absence of a virtually fully accepts these acts unpunished; secondly, incorrect diagnosis, and treatment should not exempt the physician from liability, it reduces the problem by restricting the search do the right decision on this issue [4].


  1. AkopovI. Medical law: A Training Manual. M.,2000. -264s
  2. KolokolovR.Fundamentals ofmedical law. M., 2005. p.231
  3. ElshteynV.The modern view ofmedical errors. Therapist. Arhiv.2005. S.88-92
  4. Legal liability formedical errors? [Electronic resource].-Access mode: http://www.umj.com.ua/article/2695/ vrachebnaya -oshibka- nevezhesivo-ili -xalatnost
  5. Legalnuances ofmedical errors[electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://crimealawyers.com/news/pravovye-nyuansy-vrachebnykh-oshibok